How To Get Through Tough Times

If you know me, read my articles or follow me on social media you know that my last twelve years have been filled with challenges and tough times. These challenges have weakened me in some ways but also made me a stronger person. Because I have weathered the storms and have continued to find joy, […]

My Shaken Dreams

M Shaken Dreams

My friend Holly Bird has written a magnificent book about her life as a caregiver. I was very excited for her when she got published, already a best selling author, she was now sharing her private journey. I was hesitant to read her book as I knew it would hit close to home for me […]

Where’s The Gratitude?

In today’s world, gratitude seems to be like the missing Loch Ness Monster. Genuine gratitude, oh you hear about it, just like Nessy and get the occasional sighting but true gratitude is rare these days. It seems like everyone expects services and things in this life and have very little gratitude for anything. The “give […]

Family Caregiver Stress & Joy

As a family caregiver, time for self care can be hard to find. Being a family caregiver is a very hard and stressful job. Caregivers spend the majority of their time caring for the needs of others. Family Caregiver stress and Joy always comes last, and usually by the end of the day they are […]

Psychiatrists and Bartonella Stole My Son’s Life

It has been over a three months since I have written anything. I lost my beautiful son on March 1st. Just 32 hours after he was released from a psychiatric ward where they were suppose to help him. And exactly 365 days from the big seizure that started this psychiatric, drug induced nightmare that took […]

When Your Adult Child Threatens Suicide

As I sit here numb from the night before, I don’t even want to get out bed. I want to pull the covers up and surround myself with the fuzzy kids and not think. How do you turn off your brain? Shutting off the fear inside your mind seems impossible. How do you stop the […]

Are You Stressed Out?

Are you stressed out? Does your body ache? Do you always feel sick? Is life getting to you? Are you feeling hopeless or overwhelmed? Are you short fused and frustrated? You might be stressed out! What is stress? Stress is the bodies natural way of responding to the everyday demands of life, work, family, crisis […]

Don’t Wait To Start Your Bucket (Living) List

My life is the perfect example of why you should never wait to start your bucket list. So many people wait until they retire or get sick. Your bucket list should be ever evolving and should be started when you are young. You can add to your bucket list as things are learned or new […]

How to Start A Blog and Find Joy Amid The Chaos

Is your life filled with challenges, chaos or do you have knowledge that can benefit others? Do you dream about quitting your day job and writing about things that matter to you. Travel, health, shopping, fitness, kids, family, cooking, or anything else?How to start a blog and find joy among the chaos  can help you get started in 10 easy steps. If you are passionate about your life and love to write, then […]

What Causes Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES)?

As most of you know our family has been affected by many weird and rare illnesses. The latest is Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures or PNES. Once we determined that our son was not having epileptic seizures we had to learn what causes psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) so that we could help our son. This article contains […]