Losing Mom

Our story started way back in the early 60’s. My sister and I were blessed to have been born to an incredible woman. During the turbulent times of the 60’s she defined what being a strong woman was at a time when women were struggling to find their place and voice in society. Losing mom […]

Are You Stressed Out?

Are you stressed out? Does your body ache? Do you always feel sick? Is life getting to you? Are you feeling hopeless or overwhelmed? Are you short fused and frustrated? You might be stressed out! What is stress? Stress is the bodies natural way of responding to the everyday demands of life, work, family, crisis […]

Don’t Wait To Start Your Bucket (Living) List

My life is the perfect example of why you should never wait to start your bucket list. So many people wait until they retire or get sick. Your bucket list should be ever evolving and should be started when you are young. You can add to your bucket list as things are learned or new […]