5 Reasons Women Need Strength Training

As we age our bodies naturally lose muscle mass. If we don’t incorporate strength training into our daily routine, we risk losing not only muscle mass but bone density as well. After the age of 40 we lose 5 to 10% of our muscle mass naturally each decade. If we live an unhealthy life and […]

You Can’t Die Yet, We’ve Got Places To Go

You Can’t Die Yet, we’ve got places to go! I was shocked when the words came spilling out of my mouth without thinking. I was sitting on the couch with one of my dearest friends. Susan, my friend, said she was okay with dying, I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted to give […]

Losing Mom

Our story started way back in the early 60’s. My sister and I were blessed to have been born to an incredible woman. During the turbulent times of the 60’s she defined what being a strong woman was at a time when women were struggling to find their place and voice in society. Losing mom […]

My Shaken Dreams

M Shaken Dreams

My friend Holly Bird has written a magnificent book about her life as a caregiver. I was very excited for her when she got published, already a best selling author, she was now sharing her private journey. I was hesitant to read her book as I knew it would hit close to home for me […]

Where’s The Gratitude?

In today’s world, gratitude seems to be like the missing Loch Ness Monster. Genuine gratitude, oh you hear about it, just like Nessy and get the occasional sighting but true gratitude is rare these days. It seems like everyone expects services and things in this life and have very little gratitude for anything. The “give […]

Qualities of an Independent Person

Independent Person

As a parent, I think most of us can agree that we have heard on more than one occasion from our “adult”, 20 something children say, “I’m a grown ass person”. I know I did. To be a grown ass person, you have to have certain key qualities of an independent person. There is no […]

I Thought I Knew Who I Was

We all march, stumble, skip, walk, jump or run through our lives thinking we know who are. We have it figured out! I am a mother, a teacher, a construction worker, a priest, a daughter, a super hero or whatever we identify with to define who we are and where we are going. This article […]

I Finally Did It!

So I finally did it, I decided to write a personal blog about me and my crazy upside down life.   After constantly be asked how I manage caring for four disabled people, ranging from profound physical impairments to mental illness. I decided I need to share it with all of you!   In addition to caring […]