Corona Virus Quarantine, Ideas to Keep Busy

It has been a crazy year, the Corona Virus or Covid-19 has caused the world to change. We have seen a variety of drastic alterations to our own lifestyle to prevent illness in our home. We, as a family have been keeping active and engaged and here are my thoughts on the Corona Virus quarantine, […]

Family Caregiver Stress & Joy

As a family caregiver, time for self care can be hard to find. Being a family caregiver is a very hard and stressful job. Caregivers spend the majority of their time caring for the needs of others. Family Caregiver stress and Joy always comes last, and usually by the end of the day they are […]

The Joy of Chalk Art For Disabled Adults

When you have someone like Zac with limited function and mobility you have to get pretty creative with activities. You don’t want to spend your days just watching TV. You want the person you’re caring for to have successes and challenges that they can feel good about each day. This article contains Affiliate links, our […]