You Can’t Die Yet, We’ve Got Places To Go

You Can’t Die Yet, we’ve got places to go! I was shocked when the words came spilling out of my mouth without thinking. I was sitting on the couch with one of my dearest friends. Susan, my friend, said she was okay with dying, I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted to give […]

Zac’s Doing A 5K

We are constantly looking for ways to stimulate Zac. New activities, especially if they involve fun make him very happy. For those of you that don’t know Zac’s miracle story, he is profoundly disabled and has been confined to a wheelchair for over 10 years now. To read his story click Here. In our effort […]

Where’s The Gratitude?

In today’s world, gratitude seems to be like the missing Loch Ness Monster. Genuine gratitude, oh you hear about it, just like Nessy and get the occasional sighting but true gratitude is rare these days. It seems like everyone expects services and things in this life and have very little gratitude for anything. The “give […]