You Can’t Die Yet, We’ve Got Places To Go

You Can’t Die Yet, we’ve got places to go! I was shocked when the words came spilling out of my mouth without thinking. I was sitting on the couch with one of my dearest friends. Susan, my friend, said she was okay with dying, I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted to give […]

My Shaken Dreams

M Shaken Dreams

My friend Holly Bird has written a magnificent book about her life as a caregiver. I was very excited for her when she got published, already a best selling author, she was now sharing her private journey. I was hesitant to read her book as I knew it would hit close to home for me […]

I Thought I Knew Who I Was

We all march, stumble, skip, walk, jump or run through our lives thinking we know who are. We have it figured out! I am a mother, a teacher, a construction worker, a priest, a daughter, a super hero or whatever we identify with to define who we are and where we are going. This article […]

What Causes Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES)?

As most of you know our family has been affected by many weird and rare illnesses. The latest is Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures or PNES. Once we determined that our son was not having epileptic seizures we had to learn what causes psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) so that we could help our son. This article contains […]

I Finally Did It!

So I finally did it, I decided to write a personal blog about me and my crazy upside down life.   After constantly be asked how I manage caring for four disabled people, ranging from profound physical impairments to mental illness. I decided I need to share it with all of you!   In addition to caring […]