How To Get Through Tough Times

If you know me, read my articles or follow me on social media you know that my last twelve years have been filled with challenges and tough times. These challenges have weakened me in some ways but also made me a stronger person. Because I have weathered the storms and have continued to find joy, […]

Corona Virus Quarantine, Ideas to Keep Busy

It has been a crazy year, the Corona Virus or Covid-19 has caused the world to change. We have seen a variety of drastic alterations to our own lifestyle to prevent illness in our home. We, as a family have been keeping active and engaged and here are my thoughts on the Corona Virus quarantine, […]

My Shaken Dreams

M Shaken Dreams

My friend Holly Bird has written a magnificent book about her life as a caregiver. I was very excited for her when she got published, already a best selling author, she was now sharing her private journey. I was hesitant to read her book as I knew it would hit close to home for me […]

My Health & Trees

I love nature, but never really thought about how being in nature changed my perspective or how it made me feel. I would take daily hikes when I lived in the mountains. Looking back, I felt so much better. My Health & Trees was affected by my daily strolls through the hills close to home. […]

Qualities of an Independent Person

Independent Person

As a parent, I think most of us can agree that we have heard on more than one occasion from our “adult”, 20 something children say, “I’m a grown ass person”. I know I did. To be a grown ass person, you have to have certain key qualities of an independent person. There is no […]

Advice From an Old Lady

I felt compelled to write today, which is a good thing. Since the loss of my son writing has seemed impossible. But this morning I was motivated to put into words my advice to the 20 and 30 somethings some words to live by. It started out as advice from an old lady to young […]

Don’t Wait To Start Your Bucket (Living) List

My life is the perfect example of why you should never wait to start your bucket list. So many people wait until they retire or get sick. Your bucket list should be ever evolving and should be started when you are young. You can add to your bucket list as things are learned or new […]

The Joy of Being Poor

The joy of being poor, isn’t something I ever expected to feel. Since being an adult I have always been successful, married well and never had to worry about finances. In fact up until two years ago, I didn’t even balance my checkbook. I just knew that we weren’t wealthy but if I didn’t spend […]

I Finally Did It!

So I finally did it, I decided to write a personal blog about me and my crazy upside down life.   After constantly be asked how I manage caring for four disabled people, ranging from profound physical impairments to mental illness. I decided I need to share it with all of you!   In addition to caring […]