My Health & Trees

I love nature, but never really thought about how being in nature changed my perspective or how it made me feel. I would take daily hikes when I lived in the mountains. Looking back, I felt so much better. My Health & Trees was affected by my daily strolls through the hills close to home. […]

Family Caregiver Stress & Joy

As a family caregiver, time for self care can be hard to find. Being a family caregiver is a very hard and stressful job. Caregivers spend the majority of their time caring for the needs of others. Family Caregiver stress and Joy always comes last, and usually by the end of the day they are […]

Qualities of an Independent Person

Independent Person

As a parent, I think most of us can agree that we have heard on more than one occasion from our “adult”, 20 something children say, “I’m a grown ass person”. I know I did. To be a grown ass person, you have to have certain key qualities of an independent person. There is no […]

Rolling With Zac: Sarasota Florida

So we finally did it! We took the flying travel plunge with Zac. Rolling with Zac: Sarasota Florida turned out to be an amazing adventure. Nervous as we were for our first airplane vacation with Zac we were cheered on family to take this adventure. They also volunteered to stay at our rescue and watch […]

Advice From an Old Lady

I felt compelled to write today, which is a good thing. Since the loss of my son writing has seemed impossible. But this morning I was motivated to put into words my advice to the 20 and 30 somethings some words to live by. It started out as advice from an old lady to young […]

Are You Stressed Out?

Are you stressed out? Does your body ache? Do you always feel sick? Is life getting to you? Are you feeling hopeless or overwhelmed? Are you short fused and frustrated? You might be stressed out! What is stress? Stress is the bodies natural way of responding to the everyday demands of life, work, family, crisis […]

Don’t Wait To Start Your Bucket (Living) List

My life is the perfect example of why you should never wait to start your bucket list. So many people wait until they retire or get sick. Your bucket list should be ever evolving and should be started when you are young. You can add to your bucket list as things are learned or new […]